Seawalls 101

Understanding Seawalls

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Seawalls' Purpose

Seawalls serve dual purposes and are integral to much of Florida’s real estate. First, they form a barrier against the water from oceans, lakes, rivers, creeks and canals, while the other side contains the soil keeping your property intact and free from erosion, making waterfront land safe for structures and people. However, if seawalls or retaining walls are improperly serviced, poorly maintained or inadequately constructed, the dual purpose of the wall can fail. Unfortunately, the signs of serious deterioration are presented in what appear to be subtle signs of deterioration, but these symptoms indicate the need for immediate service and repair. Don’t wait to call Florida Seawall Solutions. Schedule Your FREE evaluation here .

Why Are Seawalls Failing?

The failure of Florida seawalls is a two part problem. First, many Florida seawalls and retaining walls were built over 50 years ago when massive waterfront communities were built. Some were built quickly with low standards. The methods and materials used weren’t up to the high quality protocols necessary to last one hundred years or more. We have seawalls that have been in place for over one hundred years in Florida. It comes down to building standards. Secondly, exposure to the elements: salt corrosion, tidal action, currents, boat wakes, storm surges and heavy rain beat against the structure. Rain and irrigation on the land side of the wall further add to the stress and mounting water pressure against the seawall.

These factors have added to the seawall problems throughout Florida. With waterfront property being a predominant draw to Florida, homes along the Gulf, the Atlantic, rivers, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water are suffering the effects of seawall deterioration. Many of these problems can be mitigated if addressed early. If the earlier preventative measures are taken, the less time and money it will take to extend the life of your seawall.

How Seawalls Fail

If depressions form in the ground within a few feet of your wall, call Florida Seawall Solutions for a free evaluation. Pits or small sinkholes are a common sign that changing tides, boat wakes, storm surges, wave action and storms are eroding your soil. Additionally, conditions on the land side of the wall also affect the water pressure balance. Water is flowing through your wall into your property and away from your property, removing underground soil, sucking it through the wall and depositing it in the water. As water flows out, it carries sand and soil, undermining the structure and creating voids. When dangerous, unsightly depressions are formed, the structural integrity deteriorates. This scenario is an indicator of significant problems in the future, if failed to be dealt with. To protect your property and seawall, soil erosion must be stopped.

5 Signs of a Compromised Seawall

If your seawall is failing or only beginning to show signs of wear and tear, it’s likely there is visual evidence of its deterioration. Look for the following:

• Cracks in the seawall vertical panels or cap
• Depressions in your yard
• Water bubbling up from the ground
• Small sinkholes along the wall
• Leaning or bowing of seawall

It’s important to know that seawall issues are complex, and once a seawall is compromised, the problem only worsens. The subtle symptoms and issues you see now will, over time, grow into much larger and more expensive problems later, and the worst case scenario is complete failure. It’s imperative to address your seawall or retaining wall’s deteriorating condition and to call Florida Seawall Solutions as soon as you notice any of the signs and symptoms listed.

The Solution

Depending on the unique condition of your seawall, it will most likely not need to be replaced. The sooner you identify the signs and symptoms of an issue, the more likely you will avoid costly repairs or replacement, and have the chance to take advantage of a cost-effective repair. Not only does replacing a seawall cost three to four times that of repair, Florida Seawall Solutions’ warranty lasts longer.

Since seawall disrepair results from various causes, the solutions vary based on the exact cause, wall condition and property. There are several options depending on the type of wall construction and the extent of the damage.

Certified Environmentally Friendly Polyurethane Sealant/Resin
Polyurethane Resin is called the “Next Generation” approach. Injecting polyurethane soil permeation and stabilization resin deep into the holes behind the seawall is one of the most straightforward and cost-effective solutions available. The polyurethane resin fills the holes and voids created by soil erosion and tide-pull. Additionally, the resin forms a barrier of protection, strengthening the soil behind the wall, helping to prevent more erosion, while reinforcing the seawall, bonding with it.

It is important to know, filling the depressions, holes and voids with concrete does NOT work. Concrete is very heavy and will sink into the ground creating new voids or lateral stress behind the wall. Polyurethane is lightweight and strong. It does not sink and stabilizes the topsoil. Certified environmentally friendly, this specific polyurethane remains inert and innocuous to the environment and sea life. The resin underwent rigorous testing for contact with typical recreational and commercial bodies of water, and even for contact with drinking water. Furthermore, there is little to no impact on the beauty of the property nor is heavy equipment needed.
Hydro-Static Pressure Jet Filter
Another cost-effective option to balance the hydro-static pressure involves installing jet filters. Equalizing the water pressure on both sides of the seawall, hydro-static pressure jet filters allow water from the property to flow back into the water while maintaining the water pressure. The water pressure isn’t only affected by the movement of the large body of water. It is also affected by rain, irrigation system use and any other water deposited on the property lining the wall. All of the water above the waterline needs somewhere to go.

In the past, a heavy-duty landscaping barrier would be laid in between the wall and the soil in an attempt to retain the soil and keep it from flowing through into the wall. Unfortunately, the use of landscaping cloth is not effective since the cloth breaks down and deteriorates. Once the barrier is shredded, the protection is gone and soil is washed away through cracks in the wall, resulting in voids forming in the property and an imbalanced water pressure. Fix your seawall permanently with jet filters or polyurethane resin. Call Florida Seawall Solutions today to learn more about your specific options.
Seawall Cap Repair
As a critical component, the seawall cap keeps the wall panels in their intended places. The caps hold the panels in their positions. At times, the seawall caps can crack resulting in significant damage to the wall. Early detection and repair of crack seawall caps is especially critical. Rely on Florida Seawall Solutions to repair seawall caps and maintain the structural integrity of your seawall.
Contact Florida Seawall Solutions For a Complimentary Onsite Evaluation
The experienced team at Florida Seawall Solutions will evaluate your seawall, deck and property at no cost to determine the condition of your seawall and what repair methods are best suited to address the problems. With a comprehensive understanding of the stresses affecting seawalls, our team will prepare and execute the most effective and affordable repair plan.

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Seawall repair


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